LSA Annual Meeting Albuquerque 2006

Baden Hughes badenh at CS.MU.OZ.AU
Mon Mar 7 23:03:52 UTC 2005

> Preliminary proposals are due to the LSA by April 15. This still gives
> us time, but we should begin to think now about (i) whether we want to
> do a tutorial again (I say, yes!) and (ii) what topic we might like to
> pursue. The reason we should start to think now is so we can begin to
> ask possible presenters if they would be interested.
> I think the general topic of a tutorial for next year could be the same
> as last year's: Archiving and Linguistic Resources. However, perhaps
> rather than covering this topic generally like last year, we could
> choose a specific area to focus on.
> Please let me know if you think we should do this again! I'd also love
> to hear any suggestions people have for a topic.

IIRC, the post-LSA discussions here suggested a number of things,
including a tutorial, some office hours, a demo etc based on this year's
activities. I think we need to do something slightly different to this
year, for several reasons including to differentiate it from simply being
a repeat performance and to account for technology/tool changes, which
impact heavily on the "advice" component of the OLAC mission.

> By the way, LSA 2006 will be in Albuquerque. And, the next major
> Outreach event on the horizon is planning something for the 2007
> Institute at Stanford. Perhaps we should think of ways to be less
> Americentric. The German Linguistic Society, I know, next year is
> having, as the theme of its conference, Language Documentation (or
> something like that), if we'd like a European outlet. I'd be happy to
> hear suggestions about outreach in other parts of the world, as well.

I'm planning on doing a short segment at the Australian Linguistics
Society in a "data management for linguists" workshop in
Melbourne in September. This will be pretty high level as far as content
goes, and I haven't thought a lot about the content as yet.


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