[RNLD] Master-Apprentice programs?

Paul Sutherland p.suth at outlook.com
Wed Jul 13 16:17:25 UTC 2016

Hi Ryan,

This is already a fantastic list. Well done for putting this together. I feel that it's important for language revitalization to be connected as a movement around the world so that communities can learn from one another, and the range of communities using Master-Apprentice is impressive - way beyond what I expected. That said, focus on the Americas and Australia is clear. I wonder if the method simply isn't used much outside of these places?

I can add the Klallam Language Program, described in this document: http://www.cas.unt.edu/~montler/UNESCO-Klallam.pdf. Unfortunately, it seems that it was not as successful as anticipated.


Paul Sutherland


From: Ryan Henke <ryanhenke2 at gmail.com>
Sent: 13 July 2016 15:56:43
To: r-n-l-d at lists.unimelb.edu.au
Subject: [RNLD] Master-Apprentice programs?

Hi everyone,

I'm a PhD student in Linguistics studying language documentation and revitalization. I am writing because a member of an Indigenous language community in Canada has asked me to put together a list of organizations and communities that may have implemented the master-apprentice approach (MAA) for language teaching.

I've found that no such list exists for languages throughout the world (just areal lists like RNLD's<http://www.rnld.org/MALLP>), so I figured I might as well start putting a worldwide list together. In a nutshell, I'm hoping to compile a list that gives people a sense of what MAA efforts may have taken place for a language of their interest, and give them something to follow up on.

My question to you all: Would any RNLD-ers be willing to check out the list and see if they could contribute some information about language communities who may have used the MAA?

If anyone is interested, here is the link<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rLfTi3gLmrHfLNrZ8KMeLkd0RtESrh7Q1oddlHG1F4c/edit#gid=0> to the list. The "About the list" tab explains what I'm going for, and please feel free to comment and/or let me know your thoughts via email.

Thank you for your time,

Ryan Henke
University of Hawai?i at M?noa
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