Bulgarian Contacts?

John J. Ronald jamison at owlnet.rice.edu
Thu Apr 20 05:07:56 UTC 1995

I am strongly considering going to Bulgaria this
summer...I have some contacts in Gorna Oryachovitsa, but
I need more contacts, perferably some in Sofia and others
on the Black Sea Coast.  I am hoping to wander around as
a free lance English (and German) teacher, teaching English
to a host family while learning Bulgarian myself.  I am
a native speaker of English, fluent speaker of German, and
a fair speaker of Russian.  I recently bought a self-instructional
book on Bulgarian and was delighted to see how much of it
I already could understand through my Russian.

Bulgaria seems to be safer and more stable than the ex-USSR,
but with a language close enough to Russian (closer even than
Polish and Czech) that it is still a great way to practice
my skills.

Any suggestions about who to contact for homestays in Bulgaria,
or schools who need extra tutors, things like that?

Any info/help from the rest of you would be greatly
appreciated...Thank you...

---John Ronald
        Graduate Student/TA
        Rice University
        Dept. of German  & Slavic Studies

e-mail:  jamison at owlnet.rice.edu

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