
peter sekirin psekirin at epas.utoronto.ca
Wed Dec 13 17:07:27 UTC 1995

Dear SEELangers,

I am completeing a monograph "The Dostoevsky Archives" forthcoming in
1996 in one of the publishing houses in the United States. The Russian
contributor to this monograph is Igor Volgin, a leading Dostoevsky
scholar from Moscow, the author of three volumes on Dostoevsky.
He has completed his 30-pages article for me, but we have
difficulties in sending it to North America.

Do you know anyone among our colleagues who is in Russia
(or is going to Russia)  and who could pick up
this article for me and bring Mr.Volgin's maniscript to North America?
Please reply directly to my address below.

Peter Sekirin, Slavic Department, University of Toronto, Toronto M5S1A1
"psekirin at epas.utoronto.ca"

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