
Stephany Gould slgould at
Wed Apr 3 01:02:24 UTC 1996

I, too, am quite impressed with what I have seen of the _Nachalo_ textbook
and videotapes.  The videos are produced well and show a good sampling of
realistic "byt" -- in fact they made me nastalgic for Russia!
What is good about this series is that it is more or less a continuing
story -- which may get students "hooked" and even more interested in
learning Russian (and doing their homework).  There has been a fairly
positive student response to our Spanish department's use of the _Destinos_
video series. Here again, students like to watch the tapes because there is
a continuing plot.  The major drawback of the _Destinos_ as it is used here
has been that it is not integrated with the students' main textbook and
students are sometimes confused by the disjointed curriculum. _Nachalo_, of
course, solves this problem with an already integrated system.

I'm interested to know more about the software.  What sort of interface
does it have and what platform is it for? Has anyone seen it?

Stephany Gould

Stephany Gould
Dept. of Slavic Languages             Learning Support Services
University of Wisconsin-Madison
1432 Van Hise Hall                    279 Van Hise Hall
1220 Linden Drive
Madison WI 53706
(608) 243-7833                        slgould at
Fax: 262-7579
Knee dime nib oak sight tea sue maw.

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