line of "poetry"

Robert De Lossa rdelossa at HUSC.BITNET
Tue Feb 6 04:52:33 UTC 1996

>We have trouble with the last line. Morena could mean, in Spanish and
>obsolete English, a brunette; and kadiksanskii is probably a geographical
>term (Cadiz?) but we found neither in any of the Russian dictionaries.
>Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Spasibo zaranee!
>Laszlo Dienes
>dienes at

Kadiks definitely is Cadiz (at least in the 19th century, for which I'm
sure in terms of Russian usage). There actually are two Russian uses of
"morena." The first is a geological term (=English moraine) from a French
word (as with the English), the second is a purely Slavic word (from the
*mor- root as in kikimora), and has to do with a ritual tree or doll in
certain folk rites (sorry I don't remember more...) Anyway, all things
considered, I think your word is probably based on the Spanish morena,
especially given how it's modified. Good luck with it!

Sincerely, Rob De Lossa

Robert De Lossa
Managing Editor, Harvard Series/Papers in Ukrainian Studies
Publications Office
Ukrainian Research Institute
Harvard University
1583 Massachusetts Ave.
Cambridge, MA 02138 USA
617-496-8768 tel. 617-495-8097 fax.
"rdelossa at"

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