Fwd: Translating Thanksgiving into Serbo-Croatian

Vakareliyska vakarel at OREGON.UOREGON.EDU
Tue Nov 18 17:52:33 UTC 1997

Can someone help this person below? If so, please reply directly to her
(rbaer at dns.tiu.k12.pa.us).

        -- Cynthia Vakareliyska

Date: Sun, 16 Nov 1997 18:12:11 -0800
To: russian at darkwing.uoregon.edu
From: rbaer at dns.tiu.k12.pa.us (Robin L. Baer)

Dear Sir,
        I sincerely need your help. I am a teacher in a small rural school
in Pennsylvania. Recently, a family from Bosnia moved into our area. The
children have enrolled in our school system and speak no English.
        I was wondering if you or someone you know could e-mail me a
translation of the Thanksgiving story in the Serbo-Croatian language? We
are trying to relate their experiences with our own cultural past, but are
hitting a huge language barrier. I, and I am sure the two girls, would be
most appreciative for your help.


Robin Baer
Shade Gap Elementary School
Shade Gap, PA

C. M. Vakareliyska                          vakarel at oregon.uoregon.edu
Associate Professor of Slavic Linguistics          tel. (541) 346-4043
Department of Russian                              fax  (541) 346-1327
University of Oregon
Eugene, OR 97403-1262

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