Slovo o polku Igoreve

Marlene Thibault MThibault at
Sat May 2 01:03:06 UTC 1998

Dear fellow slavists

I'm interested in opinions on the authenticity of the 'Slovo o polku
Do you believe it dates from around 1190 as originally supposed, or are you
rather of the opinion it is a falsificate from the 18th century? And what
are the arguments?

Dorogiye 'so-slavisty'

Mne interesuyut raznye mneniya o podlinnosti 'Slova o polku Igoreve'.
Dumaete li Vy, chto ono napisano bylo okolo 1190, ili chto eto poddelka
18ogo veka? Kakimi argumentami osnovyvaete Vy Vashe mneniye?

Marlene Thibault, University of Fribourg, Switzerland

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