Multimedia Collins Eng/Pol Pol/Eng dictionary

Tue Oct 13 18:51:49 UTC 1998

Dear Seelangers:
Thanks for your help on my previous question.

Has anyone tried using the Multimedia Collins Eng-Pol/Pol-Eng dictionary now
available for use with Windows?  I have the two volume edition and having this
dictionary on my pc would be a boon for someone at my level.  I see that carries the software, but is there any US company that carries
it--and perhaps at a lower price than $110.77 (64.95 GB pounds)?

Bardzo dziekuje za pomoc.


Kevin Christianson, Ph.D                <<KCHRISTIANS at>>
English Department / Box 5053 / Tennessee Tech University / Cookeville, TN 38505

owoc owocuje w smierci / kwiatu / my tez
  a fruit matures in the death / of a flower / so do we --Malgorzata Misiewicz
Czech novelist Milan Kundera's comments on  Czech poet Jaroslav Seifert,
1984 Nobel Prize winner: "In 1969, when the Russian horror was battering the
country...[t]his little nation, trampled and doomed--how could it possibly
justify its existence? There before us was the justification: the poet, heavy,
with his crutches leaning against the table; the poet, the tangible expression
of the nation's genius."

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