Russian textbook recommendation??

Jules Levin jflevin at
Thu Oct 22 19:55:28 UTC 1998

At 10:39 AM 10/22/98 -0700, you wrote:
>I may be teaching Beginning and Advanced Beginning Russian in a continuing
> education program this spring and was wondering if anyone can recommend an
> appropriate textbook.  The classes will be very "watered down," will meet
> once a week for two hours, and there is no testing or grading.  Large
> of homework are also discouraged.  Something with a very practical
approach to
> vocabulary and conversation, as well as an interesting cultural component,
> would be perfect.  Some of the students may be scientists who are
> with Russian research labs and traveling to Russia periodically.
>There is also the additional requirement that the book should not be too
> expensive, preferably in the $30-35 range.
>I'd be grateful for any suggestions anyone can make.

Take a look at Levin's Reading Modern Russian, Slavica.  No conversation
(which can readily be supplemented), but in every other respect, it fits
your bill.  For under $20.
All vocab is based on high-frequency dictionaries, all grammar is strictly
easy to hard (instead of starting with harder things), lots of
exercises--more than you can get thru.
Unfortunately, stranovedenie is very Soviet, but in a detached ironic
humorous way that your older students might find entertaining.

Jules Levin


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