
YuriK yuri_kuznetsov at MAIL.RU
Tue May 22 20:28:57 UTC 2001

> Vyrazhenie 'vremja - den'gi' mozhno najti v slovare M.I. Mixel'sona,
> 'Xodjachie i metkie slova', SPb, 1892 [?] [pereizd. M., 1994], str.43.

"vrem'a - den'gi" v "Slovar'e russkoj frazeologiji" dajotsa kak aforizm - kal'ka s anglijskogo... Tam zhe privoditsa dovol'no bol'shaja bibliografija k nemu [A.K.Birih, V.M.Mokijenko, L.I.Stepanova. Slovar' russkoj frazeologiji. Istoriko-etimologicheskij spravochnik. - SPb., Folio-Press, 1998. str.102]

Yury Kuznetsov
St.Petersburg State Univ.
yurik at jk4794.spb.edu
yuri_kuznetsov at mail.ru

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