Russian font issue -- follow-up 2

Elizabeth M. Sheynzon e-sheynzon at NORTHWESTERN.EDU
Sat Jun 18 14:43:53 UTC 2005

I once had a similar problem, and the solution I used might only work for smaller texts, but it
seemed the easiest in my case: I scanned printed out text (catching typos in the process, because,
of course, you have to check how OCR worked). But some OCR applications (they have been discussed
on the list) do a very good job.


Elizabeth M. Sheynzon
Northwestern University
Slavic Languages and Literature
e-sheynzon at northwestern. edu

==============Original message text===============
On Sat, 18 Jun 2005 12:14:52 am CDT Edward M Dumanis wrote:

I do not think that the second and the third solutions will hit the
target. The reason is that the Russian keyboard will place Unicode based
characters which are defined differently from the ones that Windows 95 and
98 used. So, doesn't matter which font you select, it will display only
a Unicode-defined version in case if the font has Cyrillic capabilities,
or just the blank squares. So, a converter is the only option, and one
might be able to convert from code page 1251 to UTF-8 based characters and
vice versa. Then you can choose the style you like most. I personaly
prefer code page 1251 characters, and a variety of fonts to display them
(including Bukinist 1251).


Edward Dumanis

On Fri, 17 Jun 2005, Paul B. Gallagher wrote:

> The best solution for the long term would be to convert this to a modern
> Unicode font, and I wish I could tell you how, but I will have to rely
> on someone else to offer a converter.
> A less-optimal solution would be to redefine "Normal" style with an
> older single-byte font such as Svoboda FWF that is already installed on
> your system. In my experiments, that allowed me to type normally without
> Word changing to Times New Roman, provided I typed in Russian. But the
> moment I switched to the English keyboard, Word started using TNR. So in
> this scenario, you'll get a slightly different appearance as you work,
> and you can go and select ER Bukinist 1251 later if you prefer that
> look. Of course, if you do have Bukinist installed on your system (I
> don't), it might be enough to redefine "Normal" style with Bukinist
> instead of TNR.
> The least-optimal solution, as I see it, would be to go ahead and edit
> the file ugly and make it pretty later by marking it all as ER Bukinist
> 1251. You will still probably have to deal with compatibility issues
> when you approach a printer.

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