Experience with / Interest in the Nota Bene word processing and reference management software

David Powelstock powelstock at BRANDEIS.EDU
Thu Nov 26 01:53:41 UTC 2009

Dear SEELANGers,


It's come to my attention that the makers of Nota Bene, the Lexus of
academic software (see www.notabene.com), offer a discount when several
people form a "group order." The version of the program that deals
cheerfully with Cyrillic and many other alphabets is called "Lingua
Workstation." It's godlessly expensive ($400 with academic discount!), but
you save a hundred clams when you form a group of 3 or more purchases.  I've
been playing with the free trial of the program (a suite of programs,
really) and find it to be a compelling solution for seamlessly integrating
the collection of references, note-taking, outlining and writing-the
activities that I keep trying to cobble together using a variety of
different programs that don't always play nice with one another. If any is
interested in forming the "SEELANGS" purchasing group, please contact me
offline at powelstock (atsymbol) brandeis (dot) edu.


Happy Thanksgiving to all!





David Powelstock

Asst. Prof. of Russian, East European and Comparative Literature 

Undergraduate Advising Head, Russian Language and Literature 

Chair, Program in Russian and East European Studies 

GRALL, MS 024 

Brandeis University 

Waltham, MA 02454-9110


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