A few lines of Teffi: "dushevno"

Robert Chandler kcf19 at DIAL.PIPEX.COM
Tue Apr 5 06:28:59 UTC 2011

Dear all,

This is from Teffi's story 'Sobaka':
Чувствовала, что произошло какое-то ужасное недоразумение, но поправить уже ничего было нельзя.  Он больше не зашел. Да я и не ждала. Чувствовала, что ушел, душевно ушел — навсегда.

Does this translation seem ok? I am unsure about  "dushevno"!
There had, I felt, been a terrible misunderstanding, but it seemed quite impossible to do anything to put it right.  He didn’t call again.  Nor did I expect him to.  I felt that he had gone away, that his heart had gone away, forever.

I also wondered about something like " well and truly gone away".

All the best,


Robert Chandler, 42 Milson Road, London, W14 OLD

tel. +44 207 603 3862

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