Ukranians in Russian popular culture

Prokhorova, Elena V evprok at WM.EDU
Wed Apr 20 01:32:59 UTC 2011

Dear colleagues,

Could you suggest some sources on the representation of Ukraine and Ukrainians in Russian (Soviet/post-Soviet) culture?  A historical overview would be great; or a good article on recent portrayals of Ukranians in Russian literature and the media, including TV "serialy."

One of my students is writing on the differences between Fran and Vika in the US and Russian versions of "The Nanny."  He read Stephen Hutchings and Natalia Rulyova's Chapter on 'My Fair Nanny" in _Television and Culture in Putin's Russia: Remote Control_ and wants to explore the issue further.

Thank you!


Elena Prokhorova

College of William and Mary

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