Качество and кража

R. M. Cleminson rmcleminson at POST.SK
Wed Aug 7 07:22:31 UTC 2013

The definition Существенная определённость предмета, явления или процесса, в силу которой он является данным, а не иным предметом, явлением или процессом corresponds to what the scholastic philosophers called quidditas (in English quiddity).  This was a concept unknown to classical philosophy, which did of course talk of qualitas - or perhaps I should say not that it did not have the concept, but that it did not make the distinction, which seems also to be true of Punin.  The question therefore is whether English "quality" is elastic enough to cover the full range of meaning of качество as used in the original without introducing unnecessary ambiguity; and that is a matter for the translator's judgment.

As for кража, am I alone in hearing an echo of "la propriété, c'est le vol"?


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