Pride and Prejudice opening sentence in Russian

William Ryan wfr at SAS.AC.UK
Wed Sep 11 23:41:10 UTC 2013

I'm inclined to agree. Also, Marshak's translation of this sentence is 
poor is several respects and entirely misses the jocular note of the 
original. The Gurova version is better.

Will Ryan

On 11/09/2013 21:19, Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
> FRISON Philippe wrote:
>> Here is Marshak’s translation :
>> Все знают, что молодой человек, располагающий средствами, должен
>> подыскивать себе жену.
> Fascinating. I took the "must" in that sentence as speculative ("I'm 
> sure he will do this") and not imperative ("He has to do this").
> I know that Russian "должен" can sometimes have this sense, but I'm 
> not convinced it works that way here.
> Agree or disagree with these two points?

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