
Koontz John E John.Koontz at colorado.edu
Mon Apr 19 04:52:54 UTC 2004

On Sun, 18 Apr 2004, Rory M Larson wrote:
> And Iowa/Oto had two forms recorded: gohgo%a and an archaic go%go%a
> (here I'm using % for thorn, which is what *s turned into in IO).
> Perhaps the fully reduplicated form is the original international form,
> and the incompletely reduplicated form is due to native reformatting,
> plus later influence from French cocoche?

For what it's worth, IO has two paths by which earlier *sk develops.  One
is %k (or ^tk or 0k - theta + k).  The other is hk.  So you see both %ka
and hka for *ska 'white'.  My guess would be that IO originally had
gosgosa, bearing mind that IO bdj^g are just the way simple (unaspirated)
p^tck are written there, i.e., *koskosa.

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