More regarding "wa"

Jan Ullrich jfu at
Fri Jan 9 09:34:08 UTC 2004

John Koontz wrote:
> Anyway, we have to wonder if some cases of *wa- on terms for animates,
> like wablus^ka or waglula, aren't relicts of this, especially when the
> terms are (more or less)  reconstructable.

Just adding some more wa- animates that occur among the bird names:

wa’phagica = yellow-headed blackbird
wa- pha (head) gi (yellow/brown) ka (such)

wa’blosha = red-winged blackbird
wa- ablo’ (shoulder) sha (red)

wa’bloska = white-winged blackbird
wa- ablo’ (shoulder) ska (white)

wagle’kshuN = wild turkey
wa- glega (stripped) shuN (tail feathers)

wakiN’yela = pigeon
wa- kiNyaN (to fly) la (dim)

wasna’snaheca = kingbird


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