A Saponi Prayer

Scott Collins saponi360 at YAHOO.COM
Thu Jul 11 01:13:16 UTC 2013

A Saponi Prayer 

 Wakonta pi:lakuk –
(thank you Great Mystery)
Egonq Higun
pi:lahuk (thank you Grandmother) 

Ekuni-wa pi:lahuk
(thank you Grandfather)

Mona Ama Hena pi:lahuk (thank you Mother Earth)

Ati Mato pi:lahuk (thank you Father in the Sky

Tokha Mi Kle pi:lahuk (thank you to the East)

Makle Akathe pi:lahuk (thank you to the South)

Tokha Mi Heyata pi:lahuk (thank you to the West)

Makle Sani pi:lahuk (thank you to the North)

Huk Maniankle Topa pi:lahuk (thank you All Four

Oni Ni:na-ki ne-pu Topa pi:lahuk (the Four Trees of

Oni-ta Ni:na-ki ne pi:lahuk (thank you Great Tree
of life)

Tuhaklu-icici pi:lahuk (thank you Thunder Beings)

Topa Maklu-pu pi:lahuk (thank you to the four
Thunder Birds)

Kcimbai Nonee pi:lahuk (thank you to the Pipe Bowl)

Yihistik pi:lahuk (thank you to the Stems)

KcipaI pi:lahuk (thank you for the Sacred Pipe)

Mi pi:lahuk (thank you Sun)

Minosa pi:lahuk (thank you Moon)

Huk mi Yesa, Oho pi:lahuk (all my relations many
Oka hoc ne de wa ha pi:lahuk, Oho pi:lahuk
(thank you all my realtions and many thanks; also a
protection against enemies)

After review with David Kaufman I corrected this to the following:

Wakǫta pi:lahuk (Our Great Mystery thank you)
Waikǫkak pi:lahuk (Our Grandfather thank you)
Waikǫ pi:lahuk (Our Grandmother thank you)
Waiamą hi:ną pi:lahuk (Our Mother Earth thank you)
Wai-a:ti mą:tǫ: pi:lahuk (Our Sky Father thank you)
Wai-to:kha: mį: kle: pi:lahuk (Our East thank you)
Waimąkle: aka:the pi:lahuk (Our South thank you)
Wai-to:kha: mį: hi:yąta pi:lahuk (Our West thank you)
Waimąkle: sani: pi:lahuk (Our North thank you)
Waihu:k maniakle: to:pa pi:lahuk (Our All Four
Winds/Directions thank you)
Waioni:-ta ni:na-ki ne: pi:lahuk (Our Great Tree of Life
thank you)
Waitu:hą:klu: pi:lahuk (Our Thunder Beings thank you)
Waito:pa mą klu:-pu pi:lahuk (Our Four Thunder Birds thank
Waikcp̨a:i nǫni: pi:lahuk (Our Tobacco Pipe thank you)
Waihąksi-yihistik pi:lahuk (Our Pipestems thank you)
Waimoka kc̨pa:i pi:lahuk (Our Sacred pipe thank you)
Waimį: pi:lahuk (Our Sun thank you)
Waimį:no:sa: pi:lahuk (Our Moon thank you)
Hu:k waiyesą, Oho pi:lahuk (All our relations, many thanks)

Scott P. Collins

Evil Is An Outer Manifestation Of An Inner Struggle

“Men and women become accomplices to those evils they fail to oppose.”

"The greater the denial the greater the awakening."
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