names of signed languages

Ulrike Zeshan zeshan at MONET.FH-FRIEDBERG.DE
Tue Feb 16 09:41:24 UTC 1999

The double-handed P letter is used within Pakistan to refer to PAKISTAN. It is
 not used within India. In some regions of
India another sign is used for PAKISTAN which means MUHAJIR in Pakistan. Muhajir
 means the group of people who fled to
Pakistan from India after the partition. So this is a sort of "false friends"
 case, the same sign meaning "Pakistan" in some
parts of India, but "Muhajir" in Pakistan. The sign for India is identical in
 India and Pakistan. It has two variants, one
is identical to the international sign for India, the other one has another
 handshape A' with the tip of the thumb touching
the forehead (note that, as in the SIGN example, handshape variation is
 particularly pervasive in IPSL). Sometimes Indian
signers add another sign to INDIA, tracing the map of India with two index

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