questionnaires in sign language

Woll, Bencie b.woll at UCL.AC.UK
Tue Dec 18 14:19:14 UTC 2012

My colleague, Mick Canavan (formally of EyeGaze) has been developing and is near to completing a software application that can be used to easily create an on-line questionnaire that allows for video questions and video responses. In the context of the Deaf community, this will allow for questions to be delivered and answered in sign language.

Please contact Mick directly (email at end of message) if you would like to be involved.

Bencie Woll

The key aims of this project were:

*       to develop a software application from the 'ground-up' with the needs of sign language users in mind, although text and speech capabilities also exist.

*       to create a software application that allows non-technical people to create 'sign language questionnaires' (SLQ) quickly and with ease.

*       to provide an on-line platform whereby questionnaires could be published 'immediately', at the push of a button onto the world wide web.

*       to create a secure and protected area where all respondents answers are stored.

*       to create a space where verified sign language interpreters could log on and translate video responses on-line.

*       To create an administration area where management could decide which staff members have access to questionnaire creation and responses etc.

Why not take a look for yourselves?

Important URL's:
To create your own questionnaires please visit the following URL:<>

Username: demouser

Password: demopass
To visit a rough demo questionnaire please visit the following URL:

The SLQ is an ongoing project and all enquiries are welcome, please feel free to contact me using the email address below.

Finally, there is a draught user guide (nearly complete) that I am happy to email to anyone who is interested.

Email:  m.a.canavan at

Bencie Woll FBA  BA, MA, PhD
Director, Deafness Cognition and Language Research Centre UCL
49 Gordon Square
London WC1H 0PD<>
+44 20 7679 8670 (voice)
+44 20 7679 8691 (fax)
+44 20 7679 8693 (Minicom/TDD)
+44 792 024 7640 (Mobile)

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