New York Times style on names

Peter McGraw pmcgraw at LINFIELD.EDU
Fri Sep 3 22:30:45 UTC 1999

If I'm reading the message correctly and "Jon S. Corzine wants to be a
senator..." is part of the quote, then it's even stranger than waiting
till the end to give the pronunciation.  Rather, the story gives TWO
CONTRADICTORY pronunciations.  That is, unless the Times pronounces
"magazine" to rhyme with "pine."

On Fri, 3 Sep 1999 17:49:52 EDT Bapopik at AOL.COM wrote:

>      Why don't newspapers tell you how to pronounce a name when that
> name first appears?
>      Today's newspaper is an example, but I've seen this style about six
> times in the past week.  The story is in the NEW YORK TIMES, 3 September
> 1999, pg. B1, cols. 2-4.  Jon S. Corzine wants to be a senator from
> New Jersey.  Corzine--like zine of magazine.  We've seen that name
> before.     The name is in paragraph one.  The name is in paragraph
> two. The name is in paragraph three.  The name is in paragraph four.
> Then, in paragraph six:
>      Mr. Corzine (the last syllable rhymes with "pine")...
>      NOW you tell me??
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------------------------
>     Among my other newspaper peeves:  the New York Post broke
> "25-year-old" as this:
> 25-year-o
> ld.

Peter A. McGraw
Linfield College
McMinnville, Oregon
pmcgraw at

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