Doc in a box

Jane P Parker jpparker at ISERV.NET
Wed Feb 7 19:10:49 UTC 2001

I first heard Doc in the Box when a friend told me that her father-in-law in MT
had sold his practice and gone to work in a Doc in a Box.  We were both living in
IN at the time Cir. 1988.  She was from CA.  When I heard it  I loved it.  It
reminded me of Jack in the Box fast food places.

Jane P Parker

Alice Faber wrote:

> Herb Stahlke wrote:
> >I've been using the phrase "doc in a box" to refer to the
> >ubiquitous "Urgent Care Centers" since the early 1980s, when the
> >first began appearing in Central Indiana.  Just now I used the
> >phrase while talking with my department chair, who is probably
> >15-20 years younger than I, and he hadn't heard it before.  How
> >widely is it used?
> I don't recall the term from North Florida in the early-mid 80s,
> where they are equally ubiquitous, but I had no trouble understanding
> the term when I first encountered it; unfortunately I don't recall
> where or when I first encountered the term, though.
> --
> ==============================================================================
> Alice Faber                                             faber at
> Haskins Laboratories                                  tel: (203) 865-6163 x258
> New Haven, CT 06511 USA                                     fax (203) 865-8963

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