FW: UC whatever

Tom Kysilko pds at VISI.COM
Sat Aug 10 17:45:51 UTC 2002

I work less than a mile from the University of Minnesota, but to a
50-something co-worker who hails from the Detroit area, "U of M" always
means the University of Michigan.  (Not so to the rest of us, of course.)
I wonder if "You-mish" is gaining any currency, especially among students
and younger alums, since the university's Internet domain name is umich.edu.

--Tom Kysilko

At 07:28 AM 8/10/2002 -0400, Frank Abate wrote:
>In Michigan, the Univ of M is called "Michigan".  Michigan State Univ is
>called "Michigan State" or "MSU".  Please, Michigan alums, chime in on
>whether it's "U of M" or "UM" to the locals.
>In Massachusetts, for Univ of Mass., it's "U Mass", with the "Mass" sounding
>just like the thing that Roman Catholics do.  Often, the intonation is such
>that the stress is stronger on the "U", and the combination becomes a single
>compound, as if it was a single word (i.e., "YOU-mass").

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