FW: Jones and Jones

Kim & Rima McKinzey rkmck at EARTHLINK.NET
Sun Aug 18 21:04:23 UTC 2002

>In connection with the recent thread on street names in Manhattan, I have to
>share the following, from Queens:

In Forest Hills, excluding Forest Hills Gardens and the ABC streets
(Austin, Burns, Clyde, Dartmouth etc.) the streets are numbered with
Drive/Road/Ave, i.e., 67th Drive followed by 67th Road followed by
67th Ave.  Well, until you get to 69th Rd which was inexplicably (to
me, anyway) changed to Harry Von Arsdale (I think) Ave.  I have no
idea who he was.

And there are now places, at least in Brooklyn where I saw a picture,
where streets seem to have two names.  One was, if I remember, both
Pitkin Ave. and something like Force Tube Rd.


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