Goats Legs & Irish Nachos

Erin McKean editor at VERBATIMMAG.COM
Thu Feb 28 13:58:03 UTC 2002

Barry reported on these exotic foodstuffs from New Zealand:

>IRISH NACHOS--"wedges & beans," according to one menu.

These were a regular feature at the Scott, Foresman corporate
cafeteria iN Glenview, Illinois for at least the years 1995-2000.
They were wedge fries covered with refried beans, cheese, and salsa.
I was always too frightened of the way they looked under the
presentation glass dome to try them, and besides, I thought I should
fight against the stereotype of the Irish as inveterate potato-eaters.

I believe the cafeteria was run by either ARA or Marriot, so for all
I know it's a national cafeteria dish.

--Erin McKean
editor at verbatimmag.com

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