FW: "quick a feet"

Beverly Flanigan flanigan at OHIOU.EDU
Wed Oct 9 18:58:31 UTC 2002

At 10:16 AM 10/9/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>At 6:07 AM -0400 10/9/02, Frank Abate wrote:
>>[Re McCarver and his
>>"It's always amazed me how a guy can can blow that big a bubble and
>>have that quick a feet."]
>>As for McCarver, I believe he is from Tennessee, I'm not sure which part.  I
>>recall him once talking about how they named a minor-league park in TN after
>>him, at the place where he played before making it to the Bigs.  He was
>>honored, he said, but also concerned, because normally they only name things
>>after dead people.  But then he realized that they were naming it in honor
>>of his throwing arm.
>>Frank Abate
>I'm sure you and Dave Wilton are both right; Tennessee it is.  And
>with apologies to dInIs, I'm not that confident I'd be able to
>distinguish a Tennessee from a Kentucky speaker; I agree they're both
>south of the relevant border (and north of another one; I can tell
>McCarver isn't from Georgia or Alabama).

Very good!  Some of us would still prefer to call the region in question
the South Midland, not the South.

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