Brittany>SS death and VD

FRITZ JUENGLING juengling_fritz at SALKEIZ.K12.OR.US
Mon Feb 24 15:58:29 UTC 2003

>Using Dave Wilton's excellent suggestion of the SS Death Index,

This is one instance where abbreviating might not be desirable.

This reminds me of an incident that my wife and I had with her brother a number of years ago.  My brother-in-law is considerably younger than we and had obviously learned vocab from what my wife and I learned.  Anyway, around Valentine's Day, we received a card from said B-in-law with the greeting "Happy VD!"  Well, my wife and I were very surprised, as VD can, for us, in no way be happy.  It seems that VD is out and has been totally replaced by STD in the younger generation.

>one finds
>that the first name "Brittany" does NOT show up between people born between
>1960-70.  It first appears in a single female born in 1971.  It appears with
>increasing frequency after that, although "frequency" of death in people
that young would be poor indicators of actually numbers in the population.

The tv show with the chipmunks, where there was indeed a girlfriend names
Brittany, was first aired in 1983.

Sam Clements

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