
Paul Johnson paulzjoh at MTNHOME.COM
Thu Nov 17 14:20:14 UTC 2005

I went to school with a Sax, who father was "the Punch board King" of
Ill. and Wis. but, I'm 70 and that was in '49/'50.
pal john son

James Smith wrote:

>Has anyone seen an actual punchboard since the 50's?
>Does anyone under 50 know what a punchboard is?
>--- "Douglas G. Wilson" <douglas at NB.NET> wrote:
>>>I'm familiar with it, but, unfortunately, I can't
>>remember when I first
>>>heard it. I can say for certain that I haven't
>>heard it since 1990 and that
>>>I've never had occasion to say it.
>>Likewise, but I would add that I've encountered it
>>very seldom, maybe only
>>-- Doug Wilson
>James D. SMITH                 |If history teaches anything
>South SLC, UT                  |it is that we will be sued
>jsmithjamessmith at yahoo.com     |whether we act quickly and decisively
>                               |or slowly and cautiously.
>Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005

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