diamond geezers

Joel S. Berson Berson at ATT.NET
Tue Feb 13 15:53:36 UTC 2007

At 2/13/2007 10:10 AM, Jonathon Green wrote:
>I just checked 'Diamond Geezer' on IMDb. It appears to be a TV series
>described as 'David Jason begins a new television drama for ITV with
>'Diamond Geezer' revolving around a career criminal trying to persuade a
>first time offender to join forces with him in his new big scam.' They
>are now shooting series 2. No further plot details are offered.

So we're still waiting for someone who's seen it?  And would this
"Diamond Geezer" be a good guy, a good fella, or just an ordinary
career criminal?  :-)

>However, all this may be irrelevant, since no actor or character
>'Michael Smith' ('Smiff' would probably be the Cockney version)  appears
>in the cast list.

I didn't really think Midsomer Murders would use an actual actor's
name -- the libel laws in Britain are more serious than in the
U.S.  And perhaps it was "Smiff" and not "Smwifth" -- my aging ears
are not accurate, and I was half -listening -- but I think I heard a
"w", if not "fth".  Anyone who wants to check is welcome to find a
video of the episode, "A Tale of Two Hamlets".  They don't have to
watch very long -- Smiff comes to an early end.


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