Pronouncing drug names (w. note for Wilson)

Laurence Horn laurence.horn at YALE.EDU
Thu Jan 31 00:59:24 UTC 2008

At 4:37 PM -0500 1/30/08, Mark Mandel wrote:
>Ditto. My mnemonic is the pun "the three Liddell girls", somewhere in or
>about Carroll's oeuvre. (The poem about one lazy afternoon?... misquoting it
>Larry interposed (while I was typing the above:
>I remember being surprised to learn that the family name of Alice
>Liddell, of Alice in Wonderland fame, and therefore of her father
>Henry--Dean Liddell of Christ Church in Oxford, was pronounced
>"Little" and not "Lid-DELL" (I'm pretty sure I made the same wrong
>guess about the classical lexicographer), and that this explains some
>puns on the part of Dodgson/Carroll on the name.
>Same wrong guess, same given name, same person.

Yeah, I had the nagging feeling after sending that message that the
two Liddells were related.  I guess the identity relation is a pretty
close one.


>(Actually, I may have learned the correct pronunciation in my late teens, at
>St. John's College. I recall referring to the Intermediate Greek-English
>Lexicon rhymingly as "the middle Liddell-Scott".)
>m a m
>On Jan 30, 2008 4:17 PM, Wilson Gray <hwgray at> wrote:
>>    For several dekkids, I thought that the
>>  ['lIdl]-Scott dictionary was the [lI 'dEl]-Scott dictionary.
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