[Ads-l] "clawbacked"

ADSGarson O'Toole adsgarsonotoole at GMAIL.COM
Sat Jun 17 22:15:55 UTC 2023

Interesting topic, Amy and Victor.
The phrase "claw-backed farrier's hammer" occurred in 1893.
Here is an instance of  "clawbacked" with a financial interpretation
in a Canadian newspaper in 1993.

Date: June 18, 1993
Newspaper: The Windsor Star
Newspaper Location: Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Section: Talking Point
Article: 'Clawbacked' fight back
Author: C. McIntyre (Essex)
Quote Page A7, Column 2
Database: Newspapers.com

[Begin excerpt]
When I read Georgina Woltz's Cuts Should Target Political Pensions
(June 12), I wanted to stand up and cheer.
As a 77-year-old "clawbacked" pensioner, such as Ms. Woltz eloquently
describes, I (and, I suspect, many others who are similarly taxed) can
affirm that I would not object to the enforced clawback of part of my
OAS pension if I could be assured that this extra taxation would be
wholly applied either to reduce the deficit or for the benefit of
those in genuine need.
[End excerpt]

Below is "clawbacked" with a financial interpretation in a Canadian
newspaper in 1995.

Date: January 11, 1995
Newspaper: Times Colonist
Newspaper Location: Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Article: Welfare: Child tax benefit won't work
Author: Owen Lippert
Quote Page A5, Column 1
Database: Newspapers.com

[Begin excerpt]
LLOYD AXWORTHY, in his discussion paper, Improving Social Security in
Canada, suggests a Child Tax Benefit (CTB) might replace Ottawa's
current Canada Assistance Plan (CAP) funding of provincial and
municipal welfare systems. A CTB would provide a cheque to all low
income people (on welfare or not) with children. It would gradually be
"clawbacked" the higher the family income.
[End excerpt]

Below is the phrase "downsized, claw-backed and NAFTAed" in 1996.

Date: October 21, 1996
Newspaper: The Vancouver Sun
Newspaper Location: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Section: Opinion
Article: GM has more than its share of carrots
Author: Roger Henning (Summerland)
Quote Page A11, Column 5
Database: Newspapers.com

[Begin excerpt]
Give us a break with this two-dimensional, cartoon analysis of
staggering profits versus even more staggering profits. GM's profits
were $1.4 billion last year. Canada's labor cost growth was the lowest
of G-7 countries. Workers here have been downsized, claw-backed and
NAFTAed into beggary.
[End excerpt]

Below is an instance of "clawbacking" in 2000 in Canada.

Date: December 13, 2000
Newspaper: National Post
Newspaper Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Article: Jean Chrétien's 102nd lie was a whopper
Author: William Watson
Quote Page C15, Column 5
Database: Newspapers.com

[Begin excerpt]
The pattern is that, with a 50% rate, the $10,000 guarantee doesn't
phase out until you hit $20,000. Fifty per cent may sound steep. Only
rich people are supposed to lose half what they make, presumably. But
in fact, with all the clawbacking of social benefits and tax credits
these days, low-income folk often face taxback rates well in excess of
50, which presumably discourages them from working.
[End excerpt]


On Thu, Jun 15, 2023 at 7:25 PM Amy West <medievalist at w-sts.com> wrote:
> Spotted this in the 14 June newsletter from CommonWealth Magazine:
> <begin quote>
>   * The Healey administration scrambled to quickly earmark $80 million
>     <https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001XztNcaIq-zt8eBqm_sAegZ34MP56uGeu7ihBh3CxVv0ZSgiucytMY9VLMkLBLAnweT8mAfQgLfYaSaD9XGpjeNOirzxRHSHHNygs89teyPM3hZk6Kna-dGFNkiEgzX5eQgHlEZqs0yX-gWoYZe-7q-DI33aawXv5TkkczLh9n4rpzJOtLMzR_YJXsupBxefjbaqDBPQH1Vt2g03vuUpUmrpehQ--kaK0f3Ngw8kHAkec642WjQP0HtSzgYYY-QeTiDFMfoWLh_PaF72yL8e_Iz-nES4KlwtD&c=O7DVjXmxedqo2JnFnJ3YkrN6cX-xEdxYyMR7mgEEDRRTNk5_AQvW3g==&ch=sVPkTeEDW_kks-exIyyRWBwY1ZkcWbGi0vRafaSliT972gl4DmMGeA==>in
>     unspent federal COVID relief funds before the money could be
>     “clawbacked” by the feds under terms of the recently passed debt
>     limit deal. (Boston Globe)
> <end quote>
> I'm noting the "clawbacked" instead of "clawed back". I no longer
> maintain a subscription to the Globe so can't see if it's in the
> original or was done by the Commonwealth Magazine newsletter writer.
> ---Amy West
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

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