[An-lang] An-lang Digest, Vol 213, Issue 1

Bill Davis bill_davis at ntm.org
Wed Jan 5 01:19:21 UTC 2022

Greetings, Manfred...

If you're interested, butterfly in Southwest Palawano (Palawan Island, Philippines) is BABANG, with stress on the final syllable.

From: An-lang <an-lang-bounces at anu.edu.au> on behalf of an-lang-request at anu.edu.au <an-lang-request at anu.edu.au>
Sent: Tuesday, January 4, 2022 5:00:08 PM
To: an-lang at anu.edu.au <an-lang at anu.edu.au>
Subject: An-lang Digest, Vol 213, Issue 1

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Today's Topics:

   1. Butterfly words in Austronesian languages: Request for    help
      (Kienpointner, Manfred)
   2. HA: Butterfly words in Austronesian languages: Request for
      help (Maria V. Stanyukovich)


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2022 16:02:57 +0000
From: "Kienpointner, Manfred" <Manfred.Kienpointner at uibk.ac.at>
To: "an-lang at anu.edu.au" <an-lang at anu.edu.au>
Subject: [An-lang] Butterfly words in Austronesian languages: Request
        for     help
Message-ID: <d46e6e78ff2e44b3a59e6e3d502018a5 at uibk.ac.at>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Dear colleagues,

I was advised to register in this mail forum by my colleague Gunter Senft. I would like to ask you for help concerning the following project:

I am a retired professor of general and applied linguistics (Univ. of Innsbruck, Austria). Among my research areas are rhetoric and argumentation and contrastive linguistics (Latin-German, Turkish-German).

Besides, I am writing a popular booklet about general names for "butterfly" in 200 languages. With this project, I would like to draw the attention of interested lay people to the endangered status of both these charming creatures and many small indigenous languages.

Of course, I am not competent as far as the vast majority of these 200 languages is concerned. That is why I ask native speakers and experts for help and to have a controlling look at my data, which I collected from dictionaries, grammars, articles, and available internet sources.

All in all, I have data from 11 Austronesian languages, including Bahasa Indonesian, Tagalog, Cebuano, Maori, Malagasy, Samoan, Fijian and Hawaiian.

If some of you could help me, I would like to send you the data of the respective language(s).

Best regards and a happy new year 2022, take care,

Manfred Kienpointner

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Message: 2
Date: Tue, 4 Jan 2022 22:02:10 +0000
From: "Maria V. Stanyukovich" <mstan at kunstkamera.ru>
To: "Kienpointner, Manfred" <Manfred.Kienpointner at uibk.ac.at>,
        "an-lang at anu.edu.au" <an-lang at anu.edu.au>
Subject: [An-lang] HA: Butterfly words in Austronesian languages:
        Request for     help
        <6C3CD4FFCD2B9F419809CE141CBACF7301D8C14A13 at KK-MAIL-01.kunstkamera.ru>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1251"

Dear Manfred,
Season?s greetings!

Butterfly (general term)  is kulkulap-e in Tuwali Ifugao, Central Cordilleran language, the Philippines.

Kind regards,

Maria Stanyukovich
??: An-lang [an-lang-bounces at anu.edu.au] ?? ????? Kienpointner, Manfred [Manfred.Kienpointner at uibk.ac.at]
??????????: 4 ?????? 2022 ?. 19:02
????: an-lang at anu.edu.au
????: [An-lang] Butterfly words in Austronesian languages: Request for  help

Dear colleagues,

I was advised to register in this mail forum by my colleague Gunter Senft. I would like to ask you for help concerning the following project:

I am a retired professor of general and applied linguistics (Univ. of Innsbruck, Austria). Among my research areas are rhetoric and argumentation and contrastive linguistics (Latin-German, Turkish-German).

Besides, I am writing a popular booklet about general names for "butterfly" in 200 languages. With this project, I would like to draw the attention of interested lay people to the endangered status of both these charming creatures and many small indigenous languages.

Of course, I am not competent as far as the vast majority of these 200 languages is concerned. That is why I ask native speakers and experts for help and to have a controlling look at my data, which I collected from dictionaries, grammars, articles, and available internet sources.

All in all, I have data from 11 Austronesian languages, including Bahasa Indonesian, Tagalog, Cebuano, Maori, Malagasy, Samoan, Fijian and Hawaiian.

If some of you could help me, I would like to send you the data of the respective language(s).

Best regards and a happy new year 2022, take care,

Manfred Kienpointner


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