Differences in MOR output using macOS and Linux

Leonid Spektor spektor at andrew.cmu.edu
Wed Jan 29 17:57:20 UTC 2025

Hi Leandro,

	I have created three test files from your examples in last email. I am attaching those three files to this email. I don't know if chibolts allows email attachments or not, so I am copying this email to your email account directly.

The spa-l.cha file was created by MOR command on Mac Unix. The spa-w.cha was created by MOR on Windows 11. The spa-m.cha file was created by MOR on Mac. All three of those files have identical %mor tiers and MOR created: n|cosa&f-PL=thing.

The %mor tiers were created during my test. The %xwr: tiers are from your email created by your Windows and the %xlm: tiers are from your email created by your Linux. I don't know why your Linux creates "n|cosa&f-PL=thing^n|coso-f-PL=thing". This usually happens if you do not run POST command. POST disambiguates words.

My best guess for your Windows result is that there is something wrong in the Windows system. Or Spa grammar on your Windows is not the same as on your Linux. You can get spa grammar from web page https://talkbank.org/morgrams/.

We are trying to move away from MOR command and grammar to Universal Dependencies system. On the web page https://talkbank.org/ look at section "ASR and Morphosyntax" and Batchalign2 command.


> On Jan 29, 2025, at 09:40, Leandro Garber <leandrogarber at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Leonid,
> I've just tried the latest linux version.
> I've found some differences with Windows, specifically with words cosa/coso/cosos (thing/things)
> Windows almost always makes a mistake and parse cosa like v|cose-2S&SUB&PRES=sew
> Linux parse it correctly: n|cosa&f-PL=thing^n|coso-f-PL=thing (though i think it should desambiguate for the second one)
> Here some examples:
> //////////////
> *SIS: recién [=! alarga] va a poner sus cosas en su mochila !
> Windows:
> %mor: adv|recién=recently v|i-3S&PRES=go prepart|a=to inf|pone-INF=put
> co|sus v|cose-2S&SUB&PRES=sew prep|en=in det:poss|su&3S=his
> n|mochila&f=backpack !
> Linux:
> %mor: adv|recién=recently v|i-3S&PRES=go prepart|a=to inf|pone-INF=put
> co|sus n|cosa&f-PL=thing^n|coso-f-PL=thing prep|en=in
> det:poss|su&3S=his n|mochila&f=backpack !
> //////////////
> *MOT: dale guarda las cosa(s) !
> Windows:
> %mor: imp|da-2S&IMP~pro:clit|3S=give v|guarda-3S&PRES=guard
> det:art|el&f-PL=the v|cose-2S&SUB&PRES=sew !
> Linux:
> %mor: imp|da-2S&IMP~pro:clit|3S=give v|guarda-3S&PRES=guard
> det:art|el&f-PL=the n|cosa&f-PL=thing^n|coso-f-PL=thing !
> ///////////////
> *GMO: cualquier cosa vienen para casa .
> Windows:
> %mor: qn|cualquier&m=whichever imp|cose-3S&IMP=sew v|veni-3P&PRES=come
> prep|para=for n|casa&f=house .
> Linux:
> %mor: qn|cualquier&m=whichever n|cosa&f=thing^n|coso-f=thing
> v|veni-3P&PRES=come prep|para=for n|casa&f=house .
> ///////////////
> *MOT: las dos cosas mamá las dos cosas . [+ CHI]
> Windows:
> %mor: det:art|el&f-PL=the det:num|dos=two v|cose-2S&SUB&PRES=sew
> n|mamá&f=mommy det:art|el&f-PL=the det:num|dos=two
> v|cose-2S&SUB&PRES=sew .
> Linux:
> %mor: det:art|el&f-PL=the det:num|dos=two
> n|cosa&f-PL=thing^n|coso-f-PL=thing n|mamá&f=mommy
> det:art|el&f-PL=the det:num|dos=two
> n|cosa&f-PL=thing^n|coso-f-PL=thing .
> --
> leandrogarber.info <http://leandrogarber.info/>
> El vie, 24 ene 2025 a la(s) 11:17 a.m., Leandro Garber (leandrogarber at gmail.com <mailto:leandrogarber at gmail.com>) escribió:
>> That's great Leonid, thanks ! I'll test it on Tuesday and let you know !
>> Cheers
>> El vie, 24 ene 2025, 7:01, Leonid Spektor <spektor at andrew.cmu.edu <mailto:spektor at andrew.cmu.edu>> escribió:
>>> Hi Leandro,
>>> 	I have finally found the problem and fixed it. I have tested it on Mac Unix. I assume it will also work on Linux. Let me know if you have any problems with Unix CLAN. New UnixCLAN is on the web.
>>> Leonid.
>>>> On Jan 23, 2025, at 16:31, Leandro Garber <leandrogarber at gmail.com <mailto:leandrogarber at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Leonid, thank you very much for your reply.
>>>> I think you are on the right track, I recall the differences could be caused by something like that. I don't know the technical details about lexicon implementations but I can check it out as well and see if I discover something.
>>>> I can send you examples next Tuesday that I'll be on my office computer.
>>>> Right now I just remember there were problems with some diminutives (i.e perro (dog) -> perrito (little dog)) (not all)
>>>> I'm glad you have the time to work on this.
>>>> Best,
>>>> L.
>>>> --
>>>> leandrogarber.info <http://leandrogarber.info/>
>>>> El jue, 23 ene 2025 a la(s) 6:22 p.m., Leonid Spektor (spektor at andrew.cmu.edu <mailto:spektor at andrew.cmu.edu>) escribió:
>>>>> Hi Leandro,
>>>>> 	I am still trying to figure out why Mac/Windows and Unix outputs are different. I noticed that on Mac/Windows words with accents like "móntale" and striped of accents and are converted to stem "monta". The word "móntale" is not in the lexicon, so striping accents occurs before the word is looked up in the lexicon list. On Unix the accents are not striped, so MOR can't find "móntale" word anywhere in the Spanish lexicon. I did not create Spanish grammar, so it takes a long time for me to figure out where the conversion occurs.
>>>>> Is this the difference in Windows and Linux you are noticing? Or can you give me an example of the difference in outputs that you are referring to in your email?
>>>>> I just wanted to let you know that I am still working on this.
>>>>> Leonid.
>>>>>> On Jan 22, 2025, at 12:21, Leandro Garber <leandrogarber at gmail.com <mailto:leandrogarber at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi everyone, I hope you are starting 2025 great.
>>>>>> Just wanted to report that I've just downloaded the latest Linux version and I'm getting different outputs on Linux compared to Windows (not Mac this time as the title suggests). I've been able to run Windows version with Wine emulator in order to do the comparison.
>>>>>> On linux I'm running:
>>>>>> /path/to/mor -L/path/to/lib/spa my_cha_file.cha
>>>>>> /path/to/post +d/path/to/lib/spa/post.db my_cha_file.cha
>>>>>> /path/to/postmortem -L/path/to/lib/spa my_cha_file.cha
>>>>>> /path/to/megrasp -L/path/to/lib/spa my_cha_file.cha
>>>>>> Am I missing something?
>>>>>> Thanks in advance
>>>>>> L.
>>>>>> El Tuesday, December 28, 2021 a la(s) 4:29:28 PM UTC-3, Leandro Garber escribió:
>>>>>>> That was fast.
>>>>>>> I've just downloaded it, compiled it, and yes, it works like a charm. Files are identical now.
>>>>>>> Thanks for your help and happy new year.
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> leandrogarber.info <http://leandrogarber.info/>
>>>>>>> El mar, 28 dic 2021 a las 15:47, Leonid Spektor (<spe... at andrew.cmu.edu <>>) escribió:
>>>>>>>> The Unix bug has been fixed. New UNIX code is on the web.
>>>>>>>> Leonid.
>>>>>>>>> On Dec 28, 2021, at 13:38, Leandro Garber <leandr... at gmail.com <>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Thanks Brian and Leonid for your time, I hope I didn't spoil your holidays !
>>>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>>> Leandro.
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> leandrogarber.info <http://leandrogarber.info/>
>>>>>>>>> El mar, 28 dic 2021 a las 15:21, Leonid Spektor (<spe... at andrew.cmu.edu <>>) escribió:
>>>>>>>>>> Apparently there is a bug in Unix MOR code that fails to read pre-post rules file. I am working on this right now and I will let everyone know when it is fixed.
>>>>>>>>>> Leonid.
>>>>>>>>>> > On Dec 28, 2021, at 13:17, Brian Macwhinney <ma... at andrew.cmu.edu <>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> > 
>>>>>>>>>> > I guess Leonid didn’t include PREPOST in the Unix distribution.  We are all on vacation this week and next.  Any chance you could rely on Mac OS instead?
>>>>>>>>>> > 
>>>>>>>>>> > — Brian
>>>>>>>>>> > 
>>>>>>>>>> >> On Dec 28, 2021, at 12:33 PM, Leandro Garber <leandr... at gmail.com <>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> >> 
>>>>>>>>>> >> Dear Brian,
>>>>>>>>>> >> 
>>>>>>>>>> >> Thanks for your quick response. I can't find a "prepost" binary in my bin folder, is it named something different ?
>>>>>>>>>> >> 
>>>>>>>>>> >> Best Regards,
>>>>>>>>>> >> Leandro.
>>>>>>>>>> >> 
>>>>>>>>>> >> 
>>>>>>>>>> >> --
>>>>>>>>>> >> leandrogarber.info <http://leandrogarber.info/>
>>>>>>>>>> >> 
>>>>>>>>>> >> 
>>>>>>>>>> >> 
>>>>>>>>>> >> El mar, 28 dic 2021 a las 13:57, Brian Macwhinney (<ma... at andrew.cmu.edu <>>) escribió:
>>>>>>>>>> >> Dear Leandro,
>>>>>>>>>> >>    It appears that on Linux, you are not running the PREPOST program, which is a step in the MOR-PREPOST-POST-POSTMORTEM-MEGRASP chain on Mac.  For your two examples, I think that the Mac version is better.  So, I would recommend either relying on that or else running PREPOST on Linux also.
>>>>>>>>>> >> 
>>>>>>>>>> >> — Brian MacWhinney
>>>>>>>>>> >> Teresa Heinz Professor of Cognitive Psychology, 
>>>>>>>>>> >> Language Technologies and Modern Languages, CMU
>>>>>>>>>> >> 
>>>>>>>>>> >> 
>>>>>>>>>> >> 
>>>>>>>>>> >>> On Dec 28, 2021, at 11:47 AM, Leandro Garber <leandr... at gmail.com <>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> >>> 
>>>>>>>>>> >>> Hi everyone,
>>>>>>>>>> >>> 
>>>>>>>>>> >>> We are processing some CHA files with MOR and we are finding differences between the same files processed on Linux and on MacOS.
>>>>>>>>>> >>> 
>>>>>>>>>> >>> Both using the latest version of MOR for english downloaded from https://talkbank.org/morgrams/
>>>>>>>>>> >>> 
>>>>>>>>>> >>> Some examples:
>>>>>>>>>> >>> -------------------
>>>>>>>>>> >>> *FA1:        well it ended up there in your pile
>>>>>>>>>> >>> 
>>>>>>>>>> >>> MacOS:
>>>>>>>>>> >>> %mor:        co|well pro:per|it v|end-PAST prep|up n|there prep|in det:poss|your
>>>>>>>>>> >>>        n|pile .
>>>>>>>>>> >>> Linux:
>>>>>>>>>> >>> %mor:        co|well pro:per|it v|end-PAST adv|up adv|there prep|in
>>>>>>>>>> >>>        det:poss|your n|pile .
>>>>>>>>>> >>> ------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>> >>> *MA1:        Morgan doesn't bite .
>>>>>>>>>> >>> 
>>>>>>>>>> >>> MacOS:
>>>>>>>>>> >>> %mor:        n:prop|Morgan mod|do&3S~neg|not v|bite .
>>>>>>>>>> >>> Linux:
>>>>>>>>>> >>> %mor:        n:prop|Morgan mod|do&3S~neg|not n|bite .
>>>>>>>>>> >>> -------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>> >>> 
>>>>>>>>>> >>> We are using CLAN from the UI in macOS and on Linux we are using:
>>>>>>>>>> >>> mor +L/path/to/lib/eng [chaFilePath]
>>>>>>>>>> >>> post +d/path/to/lib/eng/post.db [chaFilePath]
>>>>>>>>>> >>> postmortem +L/path/to/lib/eng $1
>>>>>>>>>> >>> megrasp +L/path/to/lib/eng $1
>>>>>>>>>> >>> 
>>>>>>>>>> >>> We found that on Linux post, postmortem and megrasp don't automatically run so we manually do it.
>>>>>>>>>> >>> 
>>>>>>>>>> >>> Am I missing something ? Shouldn't the output be the same ?
>>>>>>>>>> >>> 
>>>>>>>>>> >>> Thanks in advance,
>>>>>>>>>> >>> Leandro.
>>>>>>>>>> >>> 
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