Russian Federal Archives

David Lewis coyotez at OREGON.UOREGON.EDU
Tue Feb 2 08:01:58 UTC 1999

listmembers- I have done a little research and these cut & paste items
turned up. There is also a book with info on all of the archives of Russia.

Archives in Russia

In 1992, the Central State Archive of Early Acts (TsGADA
                      SSSR) was renamed Russian State Archive of Early Acts
                      (RGADA). RGADA retains documents dating from the
                      eleventh through the beginning of the twentieth century,
                      consisting of the records of central and regional
agencies of
                      the Russian Empire and its precedessor states up to
the time
                      of the administrative reforms of the late eighteenth
and early
                      nineteenth centuries (with the exception of the
records of the
                      Admiralty, Foreign, and Military Collegiia). RGADA
also holds
                      the fonds of central land-survey agencies ofRussia
from the
                      eighteenth through the early twentieth centuries;
records of
                      monasteries and other religious institutions;
personal papers
                      of state and public figures, men of science and art;
archives of
                      major landowners and gentry families; collections of
                      documents and manuscript books; and collections of
                      and foreign incunabula, early printed and rare books
                      from the fifteenth through the nineteenth centuries.

                      All of the archival holdings are open to researchers.

Military Archives

RGVIA, as most recently renamed in 1992 (earlier TsGVIA),
                      serves as the centralized archive for military
records of the
                      Russian Empire, consolidating the holdings from various
                      prerevolutionary Russian military archives and other
                      repositories throughout the former Soviet Union. RGVIA
                      retains documentation produced from the activities of
                      central, and local military administration and
military agencies
                      of the Russian Empire from the end of the seventeenth
                      until March of 1918.

Russian Archive of the Navy

The earlier precedessor of the archive was established in
                      1724 attached to the State Admiralty Collegium for the
                      collection and preservation of the records of the
collegium, its
                      expeditions and offices.
                      RAVMF houses the complete records of the Russian and the
                      Soviet Navies from the eighteenth century through 1940.
                      These include fonds of central administrative
                      commands of fleets and flotillas, naval educational
                      establishments and scientific and research
                      ports, shipbuilding and other navy yards,
hydrographic and
                      scientific expeditions, as well as personal papers of
                      navigators and naval commanders and records of

Russian Archive of the Far East

RGIADV was founded as a separate central state archive in
                      1943 in Tomsk to retain records for the Kharbovsk and
                      Primor'e krai and the Amur, Kamchatka, Sakhalin, and
                      oblasts, predominantly covering the period from the
                      mid-nineteenth century through 1940.
                      Since the opening of Vladivostok in 1991, the archive
                      been in the process of transfer there.

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