Signs in English (CJ-influenced) on Kwakiutl big houses

David Robertson drobert at TINCAN.TINCAN.ORG
Sun Feb 7 04:09:44 UTC 1999


This arrested my attention today.  From "The Kwakiutl" by Stanley Walens,
published in New York by Chelsea House, 1992, in the "Indians of North
America" series:

*Page 73 (caption on a photograph):  'A photograph of the village of
Xumtaspi-Nawittl, circa 1884.  The signs posted on the houses' facades
show the inhabitants' eagerness to attract the attention and dollars of
American seamen.  One reads, CHEAP.  The Home of the Head Chief of All
Tribes in This Country.  White Man Can [Get] Information.  The other
reads, BOSTON...He Is True and Honest.  He Don't Give No Trouble to No
White Man.'

This is the first I've seen of Northwest Coast indigenous-style houses
with writing on them (along with the customary art).  And in fact, the
same day, I found a reference to this practice in another book.  Didn't
have time to xerox that one, so it'll have to wait.

Good evening.

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