Lengthening, instead of doubling, for emphasis

David Robertson drobert at TINCAN.TINCAN.ORG
Thu Feb 11 18:23:52 UTC 1999


Jeff ya-wawa kakwa:  Saaaaaaiah (=dret saya).  Nayka wawa:  Sayaaaaaaa.
Uk ilEp skukum noys, na-munk ilEp yuLqEt yaka.  Kakwa khapa wik-saya
kanawi uk sawash lalang khapa uk nca-IlI?i.

(Jeff says:  Saaaaaaiah, "very far".  I say:  Sayaaaaaa.  The louder i.e.
stressed sound is the one that I prolong.  It's like that in almost all
indigenous languages of our region.)

Lush san!

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