Qhata munk khUk tl'unEs-Ikta mEkmEk, pus ixt bUk...

David Robertson drobert at TINCAN.TINCAN.ORG
Mon Feb 1 07:27:09 UTC 1999


Qhata mEsayka, khanawi lhaksta?

Pus lhaksta wawa may, nixwa may munk c'Em khapa ChInuk "Qhata munk KhUk
tl'unEs-Ikta mEkmEk" pus ixt munk-khUk bUk, Ikta may munk c'Em alta?

If someone asked you to write a recipe in ChInuk for a cookbook, what
would you write?

Ukuk pus ixt munk-khUk bUk uk LINGUISTLIST ya munk c'Em wik lili.

This would be for a cookbook that LINGUISTLIST is going to put out soon.

"Qhata munk khUk samEn khapa paya"?  }><{{{'>

"Qhata munk lEplEp lakamas"?  --<-<--@  ...Xluwima tIpsu...

Lhush pus mEsayka munk k'IlEpay wawa.
Go ahead and write back about this.


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