Add this vocabulary to your CJ bibliographies!

David Robertson drobert at TINCAN.TINCAN.ORG
Thu Feb 18 05:23:50 UTC 1999


Na tl'ap ixt bUk
I found a book
		  khapa Spokane ya hayash bUk haws
		  at the Spokane public library
						pi na lulu yaka khapa haws.
						and I brought it home.

Victor A. MEYERS, "Indians in Washington", ?Olympia WA, ?1950.

Khapa p. 27 mIlhayt
On p. 27 there is
		  tunus c'Em phepa
		  a brief section
				    ya wawa khapa uk ChInuk Wawa.
				    which talks about Chinook Jargon.

Dret ukuk khakwa
This is identical
		  khapa ukuk
		  to the one
		 	     ya mIlhayt khapa ixt WA skul bUk
			     that's in a Washington school book
							      na t'u7wEn.
							      that I have.

BEt khapa p. 28-30 lhas munk c'Em
But on p. 28-30 they've printed
			       "Tunus Wawa TIlIXEm IlEp Hayu Wawa Lhaska".
				"A List of the Most Commonly Used Words".

Wek qhanchi na hay-kEmtEks
I've never heard
			    khapa ukuk ChInuk bUk.
			    of this Chinook publication.

YEkwa na nanIch dret Xluwima tunus wawa,
Here I see a really odd word,
				         "LIVER" pus "kuri cEqw".
					 "LIVER" for 'river'.

Lhush pulakli,
Good evening,


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