Jewitt etc

Mike Cleven ironmtn at BIGFOOT.COM
Thu Jan 14 07:29:48 UTC 1999

At 09:07 PM 1/13/99 -0800, David Robertson wrote:
>Hi, Sally, pi lhaxayem, kanawi-lhaksta,

>?tzia-pugs, "hat"

Eerily like "chapeau" - but too early for French input.

>mo-huec, "deer"			moo-watch, "bear"
>??cha-mas, "fruit in general"	cham-mass, "fruit"				

camas.  Maybe tsee+camas (sweet food)

>cha-ac, "water"
>?tza-ac, "river"

Seems to be the same as "cha-ac" - i.e. "chuck".  Maybe there were
different ways of pronouncing what most lexicons give as "chuck", depending
on whether it was a lake, river, etc. that was referred to.

>?ha-yo, "ten"

hiyu - "ten" was perhaps used to refer to any large number, as theorized (I
think) by Gibbs or Shaw....

>?pachitle, "give"


>hui-na-pe', "be"

Winapi - "soon" - but there may be some change of meaning in the years
after Mozino's list.

>?cap-xitl, "steal, pilfer"


>ma-muc, "work"			MA-MOOK-su-mah, "go to fish"
>na-na-nichi, "see"
>				pow-ee, "halibut"
>				sick-a-minny, "iron"
>				cha-alt-see-KLAT-TUR-WAH, "go off/away"
>				i-ya-hish, "much"
>				kom-me-tak, "I understand"
>				?kah-ah-coh, "bring it"

Seems to be some kind of combination of "kah" (place, where) and "ko" (to

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