Next Workshop....

Nadja Adolf nadolf at NAVITEL.COM
Thu Jan 21 00:38:32 UTC 1999

I support the idea of having the workshop at Grande Ronde. There is a
great deal of effort there for preserving the language, and it seems we
might get tribal participation.


> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Jim Holton [SMTP:jim at ADISOFT-INC.COM]
> Sent:	Wednesday, January 20, 1999 3:50 PM
> Subject:	Next Workshop....
> LaXayEm Kanawe tilikEm,
> The purpose of this e-mail is to solicite feedback on the next Chinook
> Jargon Workshop.  Tony has offered Grand Ronde as a meeting place on
> September 17th, 18th and 19th.  I know there has also been a couple
> other places mentioned (Ft. Vancouver, Kamloops).  I'd like generate
> some discussion on this so we can reach a conclusion as to where to
> hold
> it so we can begin promoting it and making arrangements.  I know
> several
> people found out too late to attend last year.  Please feel free to
> raise any questions (which I'll try to get answered) or any
> suggestions
> so we can choose a location that will be the best fit.
> Hayash masi, Jim

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