Salishan-Wakashan relation?

Henry Kammler henry.kammler at STADT-FRANKFURT.DE
Thu Jan 21 08:45:30 UTC 1999

Dave wrote:

> But no relation's ever been shown.  Nor has one been made to look
> plausible.  David Beck has written recently a very extensive and very good
> paper looking at the NW Coast "Sprachbund" -- a term meaning essentially
> an "alliance" of languages rather than a family.  Most a propos, and quite
> a bit more demonstrable as a phenomenon.

Could you provide bibliographic information?

The term "Sprachbund" suits the area very well, considering the extensive use of
local suffixes that metaphorically refer to bodyparts, the overall concern with
mood and aspect, the tendency of consonant clusters etc.


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