Exhibit Opening, "A Change of Worlds," 1/28

Jeffrey Kopp jeffkopp at TELEPORT.COM
Sun Jan 24 22:48:28 UTC 1999

Hi. Here's a link to the museum's page on the exhibit.


It seems almost upon us already, but as it runs three more months, I'll
put a mention of it on the Tenas Wawa page.

Thanks for letting us know about this exhibit!



On Thu, 21 Jan 1999 15:56:54 -0800, Coll Thrush wrote:

>I'd like to invite each of you to attend the upcoming opening of a new
>exhibit at the Museum of History & Industry in Seattle.  The ceremonial
>opening will take place at 7 p.m. on Thursday, January 28, and will
>include dancing and drumming by the Suquamish Tribal Dance Troupe and an
>address by Upper Skagit elder and Lushootseed language activist Vi
>(Taqwseblu) Hilbert.
>The exhibit itself is the largest exhibit of Puget Sound Native American
>history ever mounted.  It includes oral histories, photographs, cultural
>objects, maps, and music, and challenges the notion that Puget Sound
>Indian cultures have become extinct while also tracking the dramatic
>transformations in Native life over the past century and a half.
>I hope each of you can make it to the opening, and if not, that you can
>find time to come and see the exhibit, which runs until May.  "A Change of
>Worlds," along with some of the other new exhibits at the Museum of
>History & Industry, is charting a new direction for the Museum's
>interpretation of Seattle and Pacific Northwest history.
>The Museum is located across the Montlake Cut from Husky Stadium.
>Admission to the opening is free, but please RSVP if you can to
>Thanks for your time,
>Coll Thrush
>Coll-Peter Thrush, M.A.
>Mangels Fellow in Public History
>Graduate Program in History		
>University of Washington, Seattle	
>ishriver at u.washington.edu

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