Talbot on "rancheree" and other matters

David Robertson drobert at TINCAN.TINCAN.ORG
Mon Jan 25 01:45:10 UTC 1999

Talbot, F.A.  :"The new garden of Canada:  By pack-horse and canoe through
undeveloped new British Columbia".  London:  Cassell, 1911.

* page 202:  'The moneyed agriculturist, boasting a town house in
Vancouver, refers to his up-country farm, or estate, as his "raunch".  The
pre-emptor, when speaking of his quarter or half-section, uses the
ordinary English pronunciation of "ranch".  But the Indian must use
neither.  There must be a broad line of demarcation between white and red,
impossible of confusion through pronunciation, and consequently by means
of this affix the Indian's possession is termed a "rancheree".'

* page 144:  'The body of Adventurers trading to the Far North is
evidently the Fort George Siwashes' patron saint, for whenever spurred to
great effort they yell "Hu'son's Bay!" to the accompaniment of long,
savage pulls, mingled with fearsome Cree [sic] gutturals...."

* page 204:  'The Stoney Creek Indians are members of the extensive Siwash

* page 203:  'The rest of the land is used for grazing, and on this the
cayouses are turned loose to feed.'

*  "    " :  '...the slattern klootches would disgrace a city slum.'

*  "    " :  'The klootches spend their time gathering sugar plums --
ottalahs or saskatoons....'  [< ulili / olallie?]

My goodness, isn't it remarkable how some of these non-Native writers' low
opinions of Indian people coincides with their small amount of knowledge?

tlus pulakli,


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