Wellcome re CJ knowledge among the Tsimshian

David Robertson drobert at TINCAN.TINCAN.ORG
Wed Jan 27 09:30:45 UTC 1999


Wellcome, Henry Solomon.  "The story of Metlakahtla."  London:  Saxon,

*page 9:  'No white man having yet mastered their tongue, all intercourse
with these people had been through the medium of the Chinook jargon, and,
a sign language common to the coast.  The jargon, however, was too
incomplete for teaching purposes, hence, Mr. Duncan, saw that to reach the
inner life of the people, he must gain a thorough knowledge of the
[Tsimshian] language, in which they formulated their thoughts.'

*page 10:  'One dignitary of the Church, who began his address to a coast
tribe -- "Children of the forest" -- was not a little confused when he
found that his interpreter could only render it, in the Chinook jargon,
Tanass man cupah hyyu stick -- signifying, little men among many sticks or



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