2 more anecdotes from Barbeau

David Robertson drobert at TINCAN.TINCAN.ORG
Thu Jan 28 05:43:18 UTC 1999


The Barbeau book quoted in a message I just sent out has also these:

*page 118:  'The Indians, in several canoes, said "Good morning!"  with
the word "English".  We answered, "America."'  [Quoted from Stonington's
"Journal of a voyage to sea in the ship Tiger"; entry is for June 29,

This catches my eye as it seems to imply that the Native people were using
English words, not Chinook Jargon, apparently in the North coastal region,
at that date.

*page 173:  'They were cheechakos -- in the Chinook parlance --
inexperienced and gullible folk [in the Klondike].  [Footnote:]  The
definition given of "cheechako" by Gustave Gervais, who was a true
sourdough of many stampedes, is:  "new, just arrived, without experience."
This term applied to things no less than to people, for instance:
cheechako money -- coinage as opposed to gold dust or nuggets in a poke;
cheechako bacon -- a pig; cheechako onions -- fresh onions, as opposed to
sourdough onions -- dried onions.'

Makes me think of the use of the word "Outside" in Alaska.  :-)  Enjoy!


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