chxi dret yucqEt nanIch-lup khapa ChInuk

David Robertson drobert at TINCAN.TINCAN.ORG
Wed Jan 27 06:28:59 UTC 1999

Na shiks,

Chxi alta na munk khEpIt ixt chxi, dret yucqEt nanIch-lup khapa ChInuk.

Lhun tunus-tIntIn ya kuri.

Na munk nanIch yaka khapa mEsayka khapa ChInuk Lu7lu ya chaku.

(Friends, I've just finished making a new, very short video in ChInuk.
It runs three minutes.  I'll show it to you at the next ChInuk Lu7lu.)

K'imta-c'Em:  "nanIch-lup" tEnEs khakwa ukuk "wawa-lup" pus "cassette


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