FW: Alotta re Western USA placenames & CJ

Alan Hartley ahartley at D.UMN.EDU
Wed Jan 27 16:52:28 UTC 1999

CAMAS is probably originally Sahaptian. The Nez Perce (qéMes, where M is
glottalized) & Sahaptin (Xmaash, where X is postvelar spirant) forms
indicate that CAMAS is prob. reconstructible in Proto-Sahaptian. The
Sahaptian (more specifically, prob. Nez Perce) word is presumably the
etymon of the English (Lewis & Clark 1805) and CJ words. I don't think
the Nootkan etymology has much going for it.

Thanks to Haruo Aoki, Doug Deur, Henry Zenk, Sally Thomason, Mike
Cleven, Bruce Rigsby & Noel Rude (et al.) for their ideas..


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