ku'uytEn 'horse' -Reply

Tony Johnson tony.johnson at GRANDRONDE.ORG
Wed Jan 5 18:34:49 UTC 2000

Kanawi-Laksta, Phil,

Nayka tEmtem nEsayka "khiyutEn" chaku khapa uk ul Chinuk.  Boas ya wawa
kakwa, bEt na tEmtEm uk Melville Jacobs ya wawa ukuk chaku khapa
Chinuk-wawa.  Weyk na kEmtEks ikta dret, bEt Boas ya munk c'Em "-kiutan"
pus kikwEli cEqw Chinuk.

Everyone, Phil,

I believe our "khiyutEn" comes from old Chinook.  Boas said this, but I
think M. Jacobs said that it came from Jargon.  I'm not sure which is
correct, but Boas gave "-kiutan" as Lower Chinook.  (I lean towards Boas
on this one, bEt weyk na dret kEmtEks.

Grand Ronde, OR

>>> phil cash cash <pasxapu at DAKOTACOM.NET> 01/04/00 06:49pm >>>
anqati  klasta  yaka chaku-lo'lo
long ago they  it [to become]-to carry

ukuk klaksta mamunk-wawa  ku'uytEn
that which  [to do]-call horse

long ago, they brought it, that which is called "horse".

wikta ikta kah kopa chaku-nem
now what? where from [to become]-name

now, from where is it named?

ikta lalang
what? language

what language?

nayka  halo  ikta tEnEs-wawa
my/mine no/none what? little-words

my poor, poor words,

phil cash cash
cayuse/nez perce

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